Ncam Reality
Rigging the Hardware
Lens Encoders




Ncam utilises the serial data made available from compatible Fujinon broadcast and cinema lenses. This data is provided via the digital servo encoders and a Ncam provided fujinon cable

Required Parts

Ncam Fujinon Comms Cable 20 Pin Hirose to 7 pin lemo

Fujinon lens with digital servo and 16 bit encoders

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The serial data is only available on the Mk2 platform, for information on using Fujinon lenses with older Ncam systems see the Legacy option below

Older Fujinon Lenses

Some older lenses may not use 16bit encoders, these lenses are not compatible with the Ncam provided cable


Connect the Ncam provided cable to the serial port of the lens, connect the 7 pin end to the RS232 port of the Mk2 server or connection box

Inside the Ncam Reality preferences select "Fujinon Serial Protocol" from the camera bar tab

Legacy Option

An older, end of life option for encoding Fujinon lenses is by using an Ncam "Smart box"

Document image

They are similar in appearance to the current generation of Ncam provided cable, and additionally were made in two varieties, one with a RJ11 connector for Mk1 systems, and one with a 7 pin lemo for Mk2 systems

If using these devices in your setup, follow these steps

  • On Mk1 hardware, connect the RJ11 end of the smart box directly to the RJ11 port on the Mk1 camera bar, the other end connects to the serial port of the lens
  • On Mk2 hardware, connect the 7 pin lemo end to either the Mk2 server or connection box UART port
  • Inside the Ncam Reality preferences, select the "Ncam Smart and Preston/Cmotion Box" option from the camera bar tab

When using the older smart boxes, lens homing is required