Ncam Reality
Setting Up
Connecting to Renderers



Supported Format

Our integration with Vizrt is either via the FreeD protocol or a native plugin that uses the SDK LITE protocol (recommended).

Both Serial and UDP transmission methods are supported.

Minimum Version

It is strongly advised that the VizRT engine version is at least 3.14 and that Tracking Hub is used to ingest the tracking data.

Support for the older VizIO software is legacy and it's use is not recommended

SDK Lite Native Plugin - Recommended

Tracking Hub version 1.4.2 or above


Download the plugin from this link (Right click "Save Link As")

Download Link

And place it into the following folder (you may need to create the folder): C:\Program Files\Vizrt\VizTH\trackingdll\


NCAM Reality

  1. Enable SDK Lite by clicking on Options -> Preferences
  2. Choose the tab Data Stream and enable SDK Lite
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Tracking Hub + Studio Manager

  • Start Tracking Hub and open Studio Manager
  • Add a new tracking system node in Topology window
  • Change properties on the right-hand side in Protocol section Name: ncamsdklite_dll Connection: TCP/UDP Port: <SDKLitePort>
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  • Add a new rig called Extended Lens Parameters
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  • Add another new rig called Camera as a child
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  • Right click on ts1 and connect to rig1
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  • Map all parameters as highlighted on the screenshot
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  • Right-click on ts1 again and connect to rig2 as a parallel node and map parameters as highlighted on the screenshot
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  • Add a new service called camera service
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  • Connect the camera node to rig1 by choosing it in the camera section on right-hand side and fill in other details which are required by Tracking Hub
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  • Right-click on ts1 and click on connect to start tracking service
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Change to setting for output data buffer to No delay and NO_SLEEP. Details decribed here:

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Viz Engine

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  • In Scene Settings -> Rendering activate Use Lens Distortion (this setting can be turned on as a default for all newly created scenes)
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  • Keep in mind that distortion is only visible on SDI output until you turn on the Enable advanced post-processing effects
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FreeD - Legacy

In Ncam Reality 2023 it is not possible to export LCB lens files. We encourage users to use the SDKLite implementation instead. The following documentation is left in for reference and is only applicable to Reality 2022 verisions

Lens Calibration

Ncam Reality provides the option to export an Ncam calibrated lens in the .lcb file format allowing it to be used by VizRT

The use of Ncam calibrated lens files are optional and not a requirement when working with VizRT, if the user wishes to calibrate lens files within the VizRT software then this is a valid workflow also

How to export a lens file from Ncam

Exporting a lens file is only available from the Full UI.

  1. Initialize the tracking and make sure the camera and lens that you wish to export are selected from the main camera details tab
  2. From the top menu bar choose "Lens Profile > Export > To VizRT Lens Format"
  3. A save window will allow you to choose a name and a location to save the file
  4. Following this a window will offer to allow you to "Oversample" the calibration, this essentially adds more calibration points to the lens file, the default settings can be used, alternatively if you wish to export the lens file "as is" simply disable the "Oversample" checkbox
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Image sensor or Nodal point

The Ncam FreeD tracking option allows the user to choose between sending either the sensor position of the main camera, or the nodal point of the main camera.

Depending on how the lens calibration is being handled will determine which option is more preferred for your usage.

Using a lens file with Nodal shift

If you are using a lens file that was generated using VizRT's lens calibration method and as a result has changing nodal values inside it, then it is recommended to use the Image sensor option in the Ncam preferences

Using an Ncam calibrated lens file or lens file with no nodal shift

Ncam calibrated lens files do not contain any nodal shift, therefore, if you are using a lens file from Ncam in VizRT the "Lens Nodal Point" Option should be used from the Ncam preferences menu. This ensures that any nodal shift is correctly accounted for

Center Shift

As center shift can vary every time a lens is mounted to a camera, it must be accounted for each time the camera is assembled. To simplify this process it is recommended to "zero out" the center shift values inside Ncam Reality prior to exporting the lens file. This means that all center shift can then be handled inside the VizRT software.

To zero out the center shift in Ncam, simply open the lens profile window for the selected lens and set the horizontal and vertical image center values to 0.5 for all the points on the calibration