Ncam Reality

Saving/Loading a Project/Alignment


When operating the Ncam system in a fixed environment it is strongly recommended to take advantage of the ability to save and load alignments. This prevents against having to create alignments each time the system is used and therefore shortens the startup time considerably.



When the system is tracking, an alignment can be saved at any time by selecting the "Save alignment" button in the actions menu

Additionally a save option is provided after completing any of the Alignment Wizards

It is not necessary to always save an alignment, it is merely offered as a convenience when using the system in the same environment repeatedly

Locking the Pointcloud

Whenever you are saving an alignment a small padlock option is displayed next to the Name input field

Document image

Selecting the padlock will toggle between "Locked" and "Unlocked". A popup will also be displayed to the user alerting them to the selection



Locking the pointcloud will prevent Ncam Reality from learning any new tracking points, because of this, it's important that all the tracking points (normally the reflective markers) have been learnt prior to saving and locking.

Full UI

Projects are managed via the "Project" dropdown in the top menu bar

Select "Save Project as" to generate a new project file

A pop up will allow you to choose what aspects of the current setup that you wish to save, typically all settings are left checked

If a project has already been created and you wish to overwrite it, simply select the relevant project from the "Save Project" drop down and this will overwrite the current tracking settings and alignment over the previously saved ones


For the loading of a project to be successful, the camera needs to be in a part of the environment that was tracked when the alignment/project was saved Additionally, if the tracking environment differs greatly to the state it was saved in then recovery will struggle


The landing page when connecting to the WebUI will initially offer to load an alignment, simply select a choice from the drop-down and choose load, the system will then try to recover the tracking, moving the camera slowly around the area that has been saved will aid the recovery process

Loading alignments can be done at a later stage by choosing "Load world alignment" in the actions tab

Full UI

At any time select load project from the Project drop-down in the top menu bar. The system will reload the project and attempt to recover it's position, moving the camera slowly around the area that has been saved will aid the recovery process