Ncam Reality
Connecting to Renderers
Custom Integration



What is this

SDK Lite has been upgraded in 2022.0 in order to provide users who need it with a low-latency, high-frame rate mode (HFR).

HFR relies on updates from the IMU to set the position of the camera as soon as possible. It is more prone to extrapolation inaccuracies, but those should be very small.

By doing so, we are able to reach framerates well beyond the capabilities of our feature trackers which are limited by the camera bar sensor refresh rates. Typically around 300 frames per second.

HFR in action
HFR in action

To activate it, please head over to Preferences, Datastream Tab and check SDK Lite HFR on.

HFR mode in preferences
HFR mode in preferences

Data Stream - UDP Only

In it's current implementation, the HFR protocol can only be streamed via UDP. Serial implementation is not available as the required bandwidth is not achievable

The UDP data stream can be configured to either broadcast or unicast and the destination IP and port are fully configurable via the Ncam Reality Full UI preferences. By default, SDK lite HFR packets will be sent on port 3006.