Ncam Reality

Vignette Reduction



One of the options made available in the lens calibration interface is a vignetting reduction tool.

This is intended to aid the user in overcoming issues with the calibration charts being detected when there is a large amount of vignetting present on the camera feed. This is typically seen when trying to calibrate anamorphic lenses, and is not typically an issue with most lens calibrations.

Document image

Using the vignette reduction tool is not normally required for the vast majority of lens calibrations

The Tool

The vignetting reduction tool has 4 modes available to choose between:

  • None - No vignetting reduction is applied, this is the default setting
  • Manual - A slider is exposed to manually adjust the strength of the tool
  • Semi Automatic - Allows a calibration step to be conducted to reduce vignetting
  • Automatic - Automatically reduces vignetting

Semi Automatic

Position a plain white surface in-front of the camera and ensure that it fills the entire frame. Following this press "capture"


Simply press "capture" to enable the vignetting reduction